The Experience inside the Collective

The Experience

With trusted people at your side, the road to lasting success becomes a runway

A confidential, intimate platform to develop your personal and professional capital

Pooling experience and expertise to optimize progress and profits

Proven track records

Gain objective insight and strategies from other seasoned executives and founders to drive your revenue, profits and long term sustainable growth.

Diverse perspectives

Spark creative solutions and birth innovation with group input on global events, trends and discoveries.

Collective wisdom

Discover Aha moments through a structured, agenda-driven, chaired experience and candid conversations in a welcoming, and safe space.

Invigorating community

Rise together in struggles and triumphs as you process both personal matters and professional ventures.

investments & opportunities

Economic Trends

Work-life Balance

Acquisitions & Attrition

Succession planning

Change Management

Monthly group sessions for advancing leaders

Rub shoulders with the right people in the right setting for the right kind of growth

Flywheel Momentum cohorts, of up to 12 members, meet once a month in person. The intimate day-long sessions are led by a dedicated Chair who facilitates peer-to-peer sharing in a welcoming atmosphere. Session agendas are tailored to the interests and needs of the cohort members and fall on a spectrum from personal challenges to business enterprises.

I found the sessions really stimulating and refreshing…interesting and diverse representation in the room too.

Sheena C.

Monthly private coaching for personalized support

Chart a faster, smoother path to success

Build on your collective experience with 1-to-1 sessions with an industry leader who has gone before you. The private hour with your chair every month adds another layer to your development journey with individualized guidance.

An enduring, rewarding legacy

Your first steps to gratifying success

1 Apply

Every member goes through an application process to ensure they will bring valuable skills and perspectives to their cohort. They must meet a variety of criteria that cover their experience, goals and ambitions.

2 Qualify

Pooling information from the application, we hand-pick members focused on driving excellence, both personally and professionally. Then, we match qualifying applicants with specific cohorts to foster dynamic conversations and fruitful relationships.

3 Commit

Once all qualified applicants are gathered, we invite members to commit to their groups by faithfully attending and participating during meetings. This fosters a safe, inclusive environment where members are empowered to give their all.

It was very useful in itself and I 100% see value in the network/approach.

Adam C., CEO